Life Styled by Ashli

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Pain in the butt...literally

Pre-pregnancy FST session with Ramon.

I hope the headline for this blog at least made you chuckle. Since becoming pregnant, I have had this pain in my left thigh which has since then increased to a numbess, tingling and burning sensation. Let’s add this to the list entitled “the shit they don’t tell you”.

NO it isn’t a blood clot, thank God! I have already spoken to my doctor about this. It would seem it is the fancy name “Meralgia Paresthetica”, which basically is being caused by the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve being compressed. I know, layman’s terms please-ha ha. I have always been super active and I don’t stretch nearly as much as I should. Needless to say my normal muscle tightness and body changes aren’t agreeing and causing me major discomfort. I have days where I can’t even walk because of the burning sensation from standing too long- it’s killer. SO, long story short I finally decided to take theraputic action. My doctor has given me permisson to do so and I am saying this again because, it’s important to consult with your physician, especially during pregnancy.

Let’s fast forward to this morning’s FST session with Ramon from Rhodes to Recovery. What the heck is FST? Don’t worry I am going to explain. I have gone for sessions prior to pregnancy and LOVED how I felt afterwards. It was like my body took a giant exhale and said “thank you”. So my first attempt at healing or finding relief for this discomfort is FST.

FST is a pain-free method of assisted stretching that improves the mobility of your nerves and flexibility of NOT ONLY your muscles, but also your fascia and all it encompasses.

What is Fascia?

Simply put, fascia is the connective tissue system in the body that penetrates through and wraps around all muscles, joints, nerves, bones and organs in the body (it's kind of a big deal!)

What are the Benefits of FST

 In just 1-3 sessions, FST can help 

  • Increase Rang of Motion

  • Muscular Balance and Symmetry

  • Improve Performance 

  • Reduce Pain

  • Reduce Risk of Injury

  • Improve Posture

  • Improve Muscle Function

  • Improve Circulation

  • Decrease Compression and Impingement in the Joints

  • Improve Energy & more!

Happy mama post session this AM. Oh and check out that cute foam roller I picked up there as well. Sent home with some stretching homework and I am ready to keep this happy train rollin’.

Now that you have a better understanding of what FST is and how it’s beneficial to the body, I shall continue. I scheduled a one hour session this morning and I already feel improvement! I don’t have that constant burning and pain right now and I am able to walk without wanting to sit down and cry! That is a major WIN in my book. During pregnancy many women will experience a variety of symptoms. Sciatic pain is another common pain and FST can help to alleviate this pain…pain in the butt.(Whoop, there it is) It’s nice to know there are options available that can provide comfort with our growing bellies and changing bodies. I have linked Ramon’s website and you can visit his instagram page (@RhodestoRecovery) to see his work and more info on this treatment. Just click on any of the photos to go directly to his website. Not only is the session affordable, it’s worth it. Oh and, YOU’RE WELCOME :)

