Life Styled by Ashli

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A little about me

Who is “Life Styled By Ashli”anyway? Good question!

Hey, girls/boys hey! My name is Ashli Helm, some of you may know me by my maiden name Tolli. I started out in the social media world strictly promoting my fitness career. I still use that platform which has in turn led me here. I’ve been in the fitness industry for about 10 years now. I’ve always loved fitness and helping others through my passion for working out and living a healthy lifestyle. When I created my first instagram page “Fitness with Ashli”, I only had in mind to share my workouts, food, modeling pictures you know the typical stuff you see all over the gram these days - lol. I have ALWAYS loved fashion, decorating my home or space and spreading strong positive messages. I used to write these really great long winded captions about life on a photo of me and some would read, others only saw the photos. My mission was to connect with my followers and be relatable. I would constantly get messages asking about the items I would wear and where to buy them. So, here we are a second instagram and blog later. Life Styled By Ashli, a place to share my fashion faves, home designs and decor and most importantly my messages on life. I use live chats on Instagram to connect with my followers. We discuss surface level things like where to get the hottest lipsticks as well as the deepest of conversations where I share my life and tips on how to grow and get through many of lifes difficulties. Now, I am going to be a MOM! 16 weeks pregnant and excited to share that part of my life as well! The major component of my page is being REAL. I always say “real talk” because I want to be transparent to my followers. I share my actual feelings not the ones you want to hear. I hope through this page to help dress the women and some men of the world with style, self love, and happiness. So follow me @life_styledbyAshli on instagram and here for the blogs! Thank you to all my followers for allowing me to create this space. My SOUL STYLERS without you this wouldn’t be possible.

All the love,
